'Underived' - meaning

"In Him was life... underived"

Ellen White said that in Christ was life underived. From the meaning of this word, many conclude that prior to Christ's incarnation, Jesus could not receive life from God. See Original, Unborrowed, Underived Life

Word 'derive' in Ellen White's day carried a nuanced meaning that modern readers tend to overlook. According to 1828 Webster's Dictionary, we find the following definitions:


1. To draw from, as in a regular course or channel; to receive from a source by a regular conveyance. The heir derives an estate from his ancestors. We derive from Adam mortal bodies and natures prone to sin.

2. To draw or receive, as from a source or origin. We derive ideas from the senses, and instruction from good books.

These definitions are similar, but their implications differ significantly. While there are other definitions of the word, the two mentioned above are most relevant to our discussion in regards possessing "underived" life.

Most Adventist Trinitarians use the second definition to explain Ellen White’s “underived” statements. They interpret it to mean receiving something "from a source or origin," and thus conclude that "underived" means having life without a source or origin. However, "derive" can also mean "to draw from a regular course or channel; to receive from a source by a regular conveyance."

The first definition of "derive" implies "continual dependence". Therefore, "UN-derived" would mean not having to continuously depend on a source.

Such nuanced meaning is recognized in use and context of Ellen White's quotation “In Him is life, that is original, unborrowed, underived life”:

In Jesus is our life derived. In Him is life that is original, unborrowed, underived life. In us there is a streamlet from the fountain of life. In Him is the fountain of life. Our life is something that we receive, something that the Giver takes back again to Himself. If our life is hid with Christ in God, we shall, when Christ shall appear, also appear with Him in glory. And while in this world, we will give to God, in sanctified service, all the capabilities He has given us. 20LtMs, Lt 309, 1905, par. 7

In Him is life, original, unborrowed, underived. Our life given to Christ brings us into connection with Him. We have then a living connection with the fountain of life. We are wholly dependent on Him, for our life is received from Him, and as the Giver, He takes it again. 13LtMs, Ms 22, 1898, par. 45

Did you catch it? In Jesus our life is derived. Why? Because we are like “a streamlet from the fountain of life.” Thus our life is something we receive that the Giver takes back again unto Himself (if the Giver so chooses). We are “wholly dependent on Him” and the second that stops we no longer exist. This is just like a stream derived from a fountain. Our life is drawn from the life of God, receiving from a source by a regular conveyance. The Son of God, however, is actually a fountain unto Himself. Thus He is not derived but actually has self-perpetuating life in Himself.


The fact that Christ's life does not depends, nor it streams from the Father, does not negate the fact that Christ originally received it from His Father. See Original, Unborrowed, Underived Life