Take the Bible as it Reads

My brethren, let the word of God stand just as it is. Let not human wisdom presume to lessen the force of one statement of the Scriptures. 5T 711.2

Will you take the Word of God just as it reads? Will you, as a responsible agent, seek to realize your accountability to God? God is the Sovereign of the world. 15LtMs, Lt 79, 1900, par. 12

Those who believe the Word of God as it reads are walking in the light; for the Bible is its own interpreter. 17LtMs, Ms 53, 1902, par. 41

Let the Bible explain its own statements. Accept it just as it reads, without twisting the words to suit human ideas. 19LtMs, Lt 23, 1904, par. 10

If we would not build our hopes of heaven upon a false foundation we must accept the Bible as it reads and believe that the Lord means what He says. 5T 171.1

When those who profess to believe present truth come to their senses, when they accept the word of God just as it reads, when they do not try to wrest the Scriptures, they will bring from the treasure-house of the heart things new and old, to strengthen themselves and those for whom they labor. RH June 18, 1901, par. 5

All that Jesus asks of you is to accept the truth of the gospel just as it reads. Its requirements are plain and right to the point. All God requires of you is to believe His Word, to accept a “thus saith the Lord.” God’s requirements are His communications to His human family. He speaks to them as intelligent, reasoning agencies, who are responsible to render to Him the fruit of righteousness. 15LtMs, Lt 79, 1900, par. 3

The Word of God, just as it reads, is the ground of our faith. That Word is the sure word of prophecy, and it demands implicit faith from all who claim to believe it. It is authoritative, containing in itself the proof of its divine origin. 12LtMs, Ms 90, 1897, par. 20

The language of the Bible should be explained according to its obvious meaning, unless a symbol or figure is employed. GC 598.3 (1911)

This principle is very oposite to the principles of interpretations proposed by Jesuits


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